I kept my promise, did not buy anything after the last blog posting.
STI almost can't make it. Heard its mainly supported by singtel, otherwise wouldn't not rise as much as today. You can see that the gain/lose stocks is not proportional to the gain in sti. I guess mainly the stocks gain are from the big caps one, not china stocks. Certainly not china stocks. Most of my china holdings are all in the red.
Sigh...see this fabchem and sunshine, really gets me worried. Esp fabchem. Keeps dropping and dropping. I hope a merger is on the way, because if not, this stock will hit 0.4 or even 0.3 soon. In a mild bullish run like this, it drop so much. Just imagine a real bear. Fabchem weekly is on the downtrend. Daily looks just as grim. Stochastics nearing bottom. MACD, momentum all down. Better don't hope so much for this. Sell on strength (skeptical...whereforth comes the strength?)
Sunshine..sunshine...not looking bright either. Weekly charts seems to be on the downtrend. Daily one looks better, because stochastics is near min, so could be having a little rebound. But overall still downtrend. Lower end of bollinger band though, could be seeing a rebound real soon.
Longcheer a bit lagging now. Weekly chart looks excellent. MACD, trendline and momentum seems to be going up. Daily chart looks not bad. Price line still above ema 14d, no sign of slowing down too. Seems to be gaining momemtum too, with momentum cutting signal line soon. Seems to be accumulating, because vol always very high when the stock increases its price, but decreases a lot when price drops. Funds is coming into longcheer, I think.
That'll be all, I come back next week to see if all my predictions come true.
Overall returns: -$640 due mainly to fabchem, longcheer and sunshine not doing good.
恒指夜期+北水|北水全日吸資近91億 大手買指數ETF及阿里巴巴、沽騰訊中移動 恒指夜期續升35點(不斷更新)
50 minutes ago
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