Was emailed by nuffnang that a host had decided to put their advert on my blog. Since it was the first thing that I managed to sell pixels on my webpage for some cash, I'm naturally excited. Their requirements? Had to put it on top (or rather, it was suggested by Nuffnang) of my sidebar - which is fine with me.
Who's the host? Well, it's motorola, for their new product - Motorola Q9. It's quite nice to know that motorola is the first company to host their ads on my site as I'm a big fan of motorola (yes, really). My first phone Motorola ROKR impressed me enough for me to buy another Motorola phone - Z6.

What? Z6? Haha, you're not the first person to give me that 'huh' look. Even asking for quotes on plans that comes together with Z6 elicited the same response - and we'll talking about seasoned salesperson. I was told that at least for M1, they are eager to sell their 3G handphones and not so eager to sell off-beat brands - supposedly motorola is included - to customers. As a result, I wasn't offered too much of a discount.
There is actually a contest going on where we can just blog about the upcoming Motorola Q9 and stand a chance to win it. Well, I don't have a PDA before, never held it, never seen it and never used it before, so I thought it's not fair to comment on it. I would love to review on it if someone can pass it to me (HEARD ME, SPONSORS??).
Haha, enuff of nonsense! Have a great weekend!
Hi la papillion,
Congrats on getting an Ad from Nuffnang. I also just receive an advertiser. Let's hope that more will come.
Hi derek,
Haha, yea, keep it coming :P I heard from other users that they didn't pay very well. Oh well, it depends on how you treat it I guess. For me, this website is never about making money anywhere, so any amount that rolls in is a bonus itself :P
How do you see this?
Hi la papillion,
I do intend to generate a small income through blogging but quality is always my priority. You are not going to see weird ads taking up my blog.
I'm fortunate to be able to combine my interest in the web and Finance together and I'm working hard to make my blog successful.
Enjoy your Batam trip.
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