After spending a few days at Batam doing nothing (what a luxury), I'm quite refreshed! STupid is right, it's hard to reflect when your gf is around, haha :P
STI seems to hold well, with prices fighting back up after touching 3300. At least it didn't drop lower, so that's a good thing. Saw some of my stocks falling more though - Swiber, CSC, Yongnam, Pac andes... See already also sianz right? :)
I got my rights for yongnam converted to Yongnam warrants W121214, which will start trading tomorrow. I wonder what's the starting price for it? Really hope all the construction stocks will do better the next coming rally. I really really need to get it out of my portfolio.
China milk which I bought before I left went down to $1.000. Wow, good price! Hhaa, I'll hold my ammo. There's a time to average down, but I don't think this is the time. Not to mention I'm a little tight on cash.
Starting next Mon on 24th Dec, SGX is going to change its minimum bids. They are making each bid smaller so as to encourage liquidity. Haha, I think they are just out to make more money, stupid SGX! What to do, if you can't fight them, join them and buy their shares! I wonder how this would affect the price action on Monday...will the buy/sell queue really spread out to cover all the bids? Hmm....we'll see next week.
Oh, force keyed orders are also increased, so we can queue much lower/higher from the current market price.

This one below is for HK stocks. Shouldn't affect a lot of people I guess. Is there any difference? I'm not so sure too.

Dow is up 60 pts. Tmr HSI might be flat or down a little - I think China just raised the interest rate again right? Should have been factored in already, seeing how HSI dropped some much the past few days and last week. Tmr should be quite a quiet day.
Didn't realise that swiber had a contract extension from Brunei shell petroleum. This contract cements Swibe's strategic relationship with brunei shell petroleun (BSP), with the total contract value inclusive of extension totalling US$200 million. Works are scheduled for 2009. No wonder today Swiber reversed trend and went up 4.5% as of now.
I think you might come back with some new ideas of providing intraday SGX signals and also various others tips to trade.
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