Sold off GK goh today at a loss. Wanted to trim my portfolio for some time already, so today somehow reached a point where I put my decision to action. I felt relieved immediately, sort of, haha :)
As discussed with fishman, we will be doing a fundamental analysis on Popular. I have a biased opinion on this already - heard two person saying this is a bad buy - but nevertheless I will try to find out for myself why this is such a bad deal. Dateline for homework is set at next week, 4th December. Anyone who wished to join us just leave a comment. I'll try to figure out how to discuss the finer points of our analysis :) hee hee, the best way to learn is to have an opinion and debate about it!
STI to test resistance at 3400 again? :) Let's just hope it won't fall to below 3300.
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