Thursday, June 06, 2013

How pride gets in the way of having fun

I've the fortune of teaching very young children in a group setting. From there, you'll learn a few things by observing how they interact with each other. There was an incident where two best friends are arguing over something. It could be trivial to us, but for the children involved, it must have meant the world. This is because one of them said in anger, and perhaps with a bit of tears in his eyes, that he'll never talk to the other one ever again. Such harsh words. Never is a long time.

Perhaps not too long. In less than 2 minutes, they are talking again. In less than 5 minutes, they are laughing and playing like nothing had happened before.

It makes you wonder how come small children can swallow their pride and concentrate on what really mattered to them - having fun - but adults couldn't. If pride gets in the way of having fun, screw pride.


Anonymous said...

That's why, it is wise and best for parents not to get involved in their children's quarrels. If parents carrying on as friends, the children usually will.

la papillion said...

Hi temperament,

Indeed. The worst kind of scenario is when they can involved in their children's quarrels right in front of their children. Then, the children will learn all the things that adults do to each other.

I usually teach older's amazingly refreshing to see such forgiveness in them.

Mister Leaf said...

Pride is always important for adult. Do doubt.

la papillion said...

Mister Leaf,

Is pride not important for children? I would say it's equally important to them. However, the fact that they can just turn on and off their pride switch is worth admiring, don't you think so?

Somehow in the process of maturing into an adult, most of us had lost that switch.