Thursday, September 29, 2016

Phillips money market fund (MMF)

It's been a while since I've talked about Phillips money market fund (MMF). A quick search revealed three articles: 1. POEMS money market fund (MMF) (2008) 2. Phillips money market fund (2009) 3. Phillips MMF (2010) I know, from first look, they are all the same or similar sounding titles. No creativity on my part in choosing a title, haha! For those who do not know, money market fund is a collection of short term bonds, deposits and savings. They don't give out interest like what stocks or even banks do. It's more like a unit...

Friday, September 16, 2016

It's 3 am I must be lonely

Restitutive, Retributive and Reformative. These 3 words keep rolling around in my mind as I woke up in the middle of the night to think about this. It must be around 3am, because that's the time my aircon timer is set and I usually wake up due to the difference in temperature. I must have read it somewhere, but I'm not sure why this suddenly cropped up. Restitution means to restore or repair something to its original state. Retributive effectively...

Thursday, September 15, 2016

CPFIS-OA investors shouldn't invest? Really?

There's always a big hoo ha about CPF investors being unable to hit the 2.5% interest rate of ordinary account CPF. The statistics mentioned in this recent news is that over the last 10 years, more than 80% of those who invested their money in CPF would be better off leaving their money in the CPF OA. It's also stated that 45% of the investors made losses in the scheme. I don't buy this. I dug further and saw this link for actual report of...

Monday, September 12, 2016

How we react to other's success story

Someone mentioned his success story. You immediately start to think of what are the circumstances that makes him different from you. Maybe he comes from a rich background. Maybe he don't have NS so he starts working earlier by 2 years. Maybe his parents help him pay the downpayment of his property and his car. Maybe he is single so he don't have to pay as much as a married couple with child. I'm sure you have thought of this, and so do I. The...

Friday, September 02, 2016

Principle of Non-equality of Equal magnitude numbers

Hypothesis: Equal numbers a and b of the same magnitude need not be equal i.e 1+1 is not necessarily equal to 3-1, even though numerically they are both equal to 2. Method of proof: By contradiction Proof A: I have 3 million dollars, but I lost 1 million dollars, so I still have 2 million dollars. I might go jump down. If I have 1 million dollar and I made another million, I now have 2 million dollars, instead I jump for joy. The former makes me jump down, the latter makes me jump up, possibly with fist pumping and with occasional shouts...