Tuesday, November 30, 2010

STI chart analysis

Let's do some analysis on the charts for STI for practice. As usual, I'll look at both time frames - the weekly and the daily. Weekly should play a more important role as compared to daily. With the analogy of a man walking his dog, the weekly will be the direction that the man is heading to, while the daily is the movement that the dog is moving with reference to the man. Sometimes the dog will dash forward to inspect some interesting things and...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Lessons to learn from Warcraft III

Recently I started re-playing war craft III. I had played that game since I was in university, so it had been around for quite a long time already. For those who had been living underground for the past 10 years, war craft III is a real time strategy game (RTS for short), meaning that you get your minions to gather resources, while building up a force to deal with the mission objectives. There are several mission to form a campaign and the campaign...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Changes in HK trading hours

I read with amusement the news that HK stock exchange is lengthening its hours from the usual 10 am (singapore time) to 12 noon, then 230pm to 4pm, to the final 930am to 12, then 1pm to 4pm. The point of doing this is to ensure the HKSE remains competitive and have more turnover. I think the stock broker must have been cursing and swearing because their working hours changes from the current 3.5 hrs to the final 5.5 hrs. They should have come to...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Singpost chart

For self reference. Next dividend on Feb. 1.14 - 1.16, 1.20, >5.4 Weekly Price touching value zone. Long term FI divergence. Daily Macd divergence, macd lines divergence, downtrend broken & reteste...

Rights exercise for ICBC bank

ICBC, a china bank listed in HK (1398.hk), is going to have a rights issue. The reason for the rights issue is to meet the new basel III requirement for banks. ICBC is already well capitalised, so they do not require much of a capital injection. Hence, the rights of the H shares (that is, HK listed one) is on the basis of 0.45 shares at HK$3.49 for every 10 existing H shares held before XR. The announcement is made here. Having rights for...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Kindle dx review

Someone asked me to show some pictures of the kindle, and how it rendered pdf files. Took me some time to get hold of a camera and snap the pictures, so I'll do it shortly in this post. I'd been using the kindle for quite a few months and I am in the right position to comment about it. Good things I liked about the kindle dx: 1. Large display - which makes reading easy and rendering pdf files easier, as it will fit nicely on the screen and it'll...

Sabana Shari'ah Compliant REIT part II

The Sabana Shari'ah compliant reit got its offer price of the IPO finalised at $1.05, which is in the middle of the indicative range of 1.00 to 1.10. This raises a few questions on why the institutions are not snapping up this high yield and largest shari'ah compliant reit in the world. I can't answer that, of course. I've written at length about this new reit on another post sometime ago, so I'm not going to repeat again. This IPO is supposed to start last Fri until this coming Wed on 24th Nov 2010. Trading begins on Fri on 26th Nov. ...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Anime fest 2010 (Part III)

Last installment of the photos. Till next year, haha :) This is the most effort cosplayer I've seen. Well done! I wonder how they make their rifles...D&T lessons? haha Sexy right? The guitar I mean. It's a real electric guitar, a thing of beauty :...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Anime fest 2010 (Part II)

Here's some more pictures from the cosplay/anime fest that I went on Sunday. Still one more batch to upload :) Sometimes I wonder what their parents think of these folks who bothered to spend money and dress up. There are even guys who dress up as female characters and vice versa. I wonder what I'll think if my kids dress up like this...would I approve of it? What's this? The demon from death note? Some halloween girls...I like the pumpkin...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Anime fest 2010 (Part I)

I went to anime fest on last Sunday. Rather, I stumbled onto it, rather than planned for it. Wanted to go into the mall hall area to take a closer look at all the cosplayers but supposed to buy a ticket. Not ready to go join the long snaky queue and pay money for it, so I just whipped out my hp and took a few pictures of the action happening outside the hall. Does anyone know who these people are dressing up as? I've absolutely no idea, seriously....

Preference shares Part IV

Ok, here's my analysis on the 7 preference shares listed in SGX. Let's run through some definitions before I show you the results. I made the following assumptions/clarifications: 1. The preference shares is assumed to be called off at the first callable date at the par value. This means that with the exception of OCBC Bk 4.2% NCPS which has a par value of $1, the rest has a par value of $100. The respective banks that issued the preference shares...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Preference shares Part III

I've always wanted to compile a list of all the preference shares offered by banks since 2008, but never really got the time and inclination to do it. That is until some anonymous reader of my blog prompted me by asking me some questions about the preference shares. I did some quick research to answer the questions and realised that there just isn't any place where I can compile all the data in a single post. I think I should do that for personal...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sabana Shari'ah Compliant REIT

There's more IPO coming up and more REIT type of IPO, right after the launch of the mega one by MIT. Unfortunately, though I bidded for that in the offer period, I didn't get a single lot at all. Let's hope this one - Sabana Shari'ah Compliant REIT works out well for me. This is actually an industrial reit managed in a manner compliant with Shari'ah investment principles and they can only invest in Shari'ah compliant real estate and real estate...

Mothership is here

Nature throws its fury onto earth. Amazingly scary, looks like alien mothership is descending on top of me. Here's 2 pictures that I took just out of my window. No, I didn't photoshop anything. See the little bright light in the centre of the picture? Didn't see that when I took the picture. It's quite scary when you're there in perso...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Good deal for fixed deposit

I was surfing blogs recently when Singapore Blue Chips (I call him sbc for short) made a very interesting post. It's regarding this bank, ICICI bank, that is giving a very good interest rates for its fixed deposit account with them. ICICI bank has only one branch in Singapore at Raffle Quay and is one of the newest foreign bank setting up shop locally. I was checking casually, not 2 weeks ago, when I was trying to see if there's anything to recommend...

Monday, November 08, 2010

What makes a fulfilling day?

What makes a fulfilling day? It's a happy problem to think about, especially now when I'm moving at a slower beat. You know, some days are just more fulfilling than the rest because you finish the day, lying on the bed just before you sleep, thinking that you've accomplished quite a few stuff. You feel warm and snugly and think that if life is like this all the time, it would be great. I thought about what could be a fulfilling day for me. Here's...

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Don't work. Avoid telling the truth. Be hated. Love someone.

I think there's great value in this speech. I reproduce it entirely from facebook where it is circulating. I think everyone should read it once to see if it makes sense to you. I love parts of it, though not all. This is written by Adrian Tan, author of The Teenage Textbook (1988). He was the guest-of-honour at a recent NTU convocation ceremony. This was his speech to the graduating class of 2008. I must say thank you to the faculty and staff...

Friday, November 05, 2010

Life in monochromatic hues

I'm having some difficulty adjusting myself to a more relaxed pace. It's quite interesting because when I was having such a hectic schedule, all I wanted was to have nothing to do. But as I am currently in this slower pace of life, what I wanted was to be busy again. It's hard to please, don't you think? I recognise that I'm complex and sometimes, certain mood takes over me and I'm self-contradictory. Occasionally. How do I know that life is...

Thursday, November 04, 2010

A rose by any other name smells as sweet

** "BIAS" is a special feature in my blog where I get to say whatever I want with scant regards for your feelings. I'm not politically correct in this feature, so go ahead, judge me." During my wedding, I put up a portrait of a rose à la beauty and the beast instead of the usual picture of me and my wife. It had attracted quite a fair bit of attention and even the banquet manager asked me about it. Actually we wanted to bring it up...