Friday, March 21, 2008

A rose by any other nicks would smell as sweet

There are a lot of nicknames out there. It's just out of randomness that I decided to classify them according to noun, verb, adjective and adverb. My English isn't that good, so I only know there are these 4 categories of words. Heck, the definition below might not even be encompassing. Of course, there are other connective words like 'the', 'and' and so on, but let's not worry about them. Haha, I'm just doing this for fun :)

First of all, a brief description of each main category:

1. Noun - these are words that describe an object. Cat, dogs, paper clip, me, you, Peter are all examples of noun.

2. Adjectives - these are words that describe a noun and add depth to the noun. Black cat, lazy dog, rusty paper clip, silly me, funny you, dashing Peter are examples of adjectives.

3. Verbs - these are words that describe action. Running, walking, swimming, waving are examples of verbs.

4. Adverb - these are words that describe more about the action and add depth to the verb. Running quickly, walking briskly, swimming haphazardly, waving frantically are examples of adverb.

Here it goes:

Noun - I found out that there are plenty of nicknames which belong to this category. Steadybull, la Papillion, guest, bug, HH, KK, musicwhiz, cookieguy, noob, stupidbear, charlesming.

These people presumably wanted to portray a certain kind of idea or object that they are aiming towards, or they use the nicknames to describe themselves as they already are. For me, la papillion (french for butterfly) signifies a metamorphosis from a a newbie to a pro, or from TA to FA. I want to portray myself as changing drastically, something like from a caterpillar to a butterfly. A complete transformation yet an integral part of the whole cycle of life.

Adjectives - There are less people using adjectives but it's still possible to find. Grey is one. Stupid can be an adjective or a noun.

You are such a stupid person (adjective).
Hey stupid, come over here (noun).

I'll treat stupid as an adjective.

7777777 is an adjective too (though it can be a noun as in an idea. Seven 7s could be lucky to him, hence the seven 7s could be a idea, a symbol to him, hence acting as a noun). Like 500 eggs, or 20 burgers, the numbers are used to quantify or describe the noun (eggs/burgers). I saw a g01den from cna forum too, but it's definitely rare compared to nouns.

People who use adjective must be more concerned with concepts or details. Perhaps they have an idea of who they are, but somehow the quality of that idea is more important that the idea itself. As the saying goes, the devil lies in the details. Hence by choosing an adjective yet omitting the noun, these people are more concerned with the details regarding the object rather than the object itself. Seeking to differentiate themselves by focusing on details?

Verb - Very rare. I've only got one -Decipher. To decipher is to read or to interpret. Interpret what? Most likely market trends, market outlook etc.

Probably someone active would use verbs as their nicknames. I don't see a nicknames that goes like swim, read, jump or cry, have you? Not enough data to analyse :)

Adverb - I haven't seen anyone with the nicknames quickly, faster, steadily, crazily etc, have you? This is worth studying...why don't people give themselves adverbs as nicknames? Perhaps you need a verb in order to quantify it with an adverb. Without the verb, an adverb by itself is useless. For example, quickly. Quickly what? Hmm, very interesting, since I don't see another with such nicknames. Whoever had adverb as a nickname must be truly special and unique in his/her thinking.

Interesting isn't it?