Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bullythebear AGM 2013

Notice of Annual General Meeting Bully the Bear Private Limited (Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore) Company Registration No. 8888168IP4 General information NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 1st Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at a secret location (only to be revealed to people who are attending),on 6th July, Saturday at lunch time. To be in line with the garmen initiatives of ‘Pay as you use’ scheme (i.e. ERP), attendees of the lunch AGM will be required to pay for their own meals. Yes, we are going Dutch.  Due...

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Reflections on owning a car for 1 yr

Having owned a pre-loved car for slightly more than a year, I wanted to reflect on whether it's a good way to burn the money and also to gauge what's the real cost of owning a car. I did some calculation before buying, now it's time to check back those assumptions and verify it once and for all whether those assumptions are rubbish or not *Items that are estimated means that I take the amount spent for 1 yr and divide it by 12 to get an estimated monthly charge One time expenses: First car inspection before taking the car: $142 Downpayment:...

Friday, May 17, 2013

Learning to say no

I need to learn how to say NO. Perhaps it's the up-bringing or the circumstances that lead me to think that being a nice-guy, you have be as agreeable to everyone as much as possible. Even to the extent of sacrificing yourself for the 'greater good'. But experience had told me that there is no greater good to sacrifice, most of the time. Whatever passed off as greater good is just someone's or some group's selfish personal agenda. Hence, whatever sacrifices you made so that there a greater good is served is just pure delusion, mostly on my part,...

Thursday, May 02, 2013

The year 2012 viewed in the eyes of books

I always like to note down the books that I've read and note down the ones that I might want to re-read again. By looking at the books that you've read, I'd like to review the year that had passed in 2012 too. It's a bit late, I know, but better than never, haha! I've read a total of 35 books, way lower than the usual 52 books per year. I know I've said that I no longer want to count the number of books that I've read, but the funny thing is this:...