Monday, February 28, 2011

Comfort items

I am going outfield next week, so this week I'm going to do some shopping to bring some comfort items to make my life in the jungle for the next few days more bearably. For those who are not in the know, going outfield means that you can't bath for around 3 to 4 days. You can't brush your teeth. You can't shave. You can't shampoo your hair. You can't change your clothes. And you freaking wear your socks that are soaked in sweat and dried up and soaked in sweat again and again for the whole duration of the exercise. Disgusting cannot even begin...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Life in green

If I've said this before, I'm sorry, but this is really what I feel. I like going to reservist. Some say it's a waste of time, others lament the amount of work waiting for them when they return back to their office. For me, it's precisely because in the army, I do not have to be responsible for my time that I find it so refreshing. How does that make sense? I'm usually a very time conscious person who fills my time to the brim with not much not...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The youth and the stock market

Quite a lot of people are joining the stock market at a younger and younger age. While it's important to know about such things eventually, I wonder about the wisdom of joining it at such an early age. Isn't there something else to focus on, like socializing and indulging in pointless but memorable pursuits? I started doing this stock thingy when I'm 26 or 27. I've the bulk of my earlier years doing plenty of pointless but memorable stuff. I remembered...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Seasons of life

I seem to be going to a lot of baby showers recently. Either that, or I'll be visiting people who had just given birth in hospitals. It seems that this is the season where a lot of my friends are having children. Not too long ago, I'll be invited to a lot of wedding dinners. Seems like there's a season for everything.  If we divide a person's life into 4 seasons - spring, summer, autumn and winter and place milestone events of one's life accordingly,...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Money management skills

These days, I tend to focus on the planning part of executing a trade. I'm no longer the trigger happy person I was when I first started in the market. I guess it's no longer exciting to me, and I don't have such a high expectations of it, so the stress is no longer there. I used to think of wanting to get a few hundreds every week from trading. I think all these targets are making it hard to think properly and you always want to do some action...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

CMA post action report

I entered a trading position on capmallsasia a few days ago. I'm surprised that I closed it in 3 trading days since it hit my target price. These days, I really can't be bothered with that few extra bids that I can get by staring at the screen constantly. I just leave it with a queue order, if it hit, I'll be happy with it. If not, I'll queue again. Lazy way to trade, really. I've been eyeing this counter since CJ mentioned buying it months...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Recognizing short signals

I think it's important to learn how to short, even though you may not wish to do it. Most stock exchange would frown upon shorting and measures had been set up to prevent people from doing naked shorting. That's all well and understandable. However, I think for those who are always on the 'long' side, it's equally important to learn how to recognize short signals. In the past, I'm more interested in looking out for buy signals because that's...

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Chinese new year

I never really like Chinese new year. I know I sound like the proverbial beast 'nian' that roams ancient China during this time of the year. The way to frighten off this beast is the excessive use of red everywhere and the setting off of firecrackers to create loud noises. I must say it certainly 'frightens' me off as well. That is not the most irritating thing to me, since there isn't any firecrackers setting off anyway here (it's illegal to have it). Oh, there's also nothing to eat too except for fast food. Town area is practically zombified....