Sunday, February 28, 2010

Bullythebear T-shirts!

I woke up at 430am with the moon smiling at my face.I'd this eureka moment where I'm unable to get back to sleep until the thing that bothers me is blogged away. So here I am, typing out an article in the wee hours of Sunday. I like this period of time, because it's extremely quiet and peaceful. If not for the bloody hot weather, I'll say it's quite a good moment to reflect.Yesterday when I'm at work, I was so bored that I doddled onto the back...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Daring to dream big

After a night of chatting with AK, who is truly inspirational, thoughts began to come to me until I can formulate a 10 yr plan. This plan occurred to me while I was on my way to work this morning. As a 'big-picture' kind of plan, it must be simple enough for me to be able to work out the sums with just a handphone or mentally, and also simple enough to be able to explain it to someone without that person going 'duh'. Let me share with you: The...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Blogging for a living

Adsense sucks big time. Yes, you heard it from me alright, loud and clear. Adsense ads are just pure nonsense. First of all, I don't even look at it. I mean who will click on it knowing that most of the ads are rubbish, lead generator kind of site. It dilutes the impact of your blog and seriously, I really think the money sucks. How much can you make from it? If someone made big money from adsense, do let me know in the comments. If you're serious...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Contra trading

Recently I told someone that I contra off a position. That person seemed very shock that I do such risky things. Maybe that person had read many newspaper reports of students contra-ing and making big gains and eventually bigger losses. Contra need not be risky. I put it in my newbie's faq a long long time ago about the topic on contra. Basically contra means doing a round trip of buy and sell before T+3. This means that you can buy a stock without...

Monday, February 22, 2010

How spending less results in saving less

I noticed a real significant change in me. Since the start of the year, I'd been having a real shift in how I view money. It's very very stark to me because I realised how much I've shortchanged my life till now. In the past, I was quite focused on the amount of money that I had in my bank. Somehow that meant security to me - so perhaps that's why I kept hoarding money and trying all I could to increase security. It took me a long long time to change that view. The proverbial straw that broke the camel's back must be the reservist stint that...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Poetic interpretation of capital allocation

I'm reading a queer book on poems - Christopher Matthew's "Now we are Sixty (And a bit)". This particular one is especially striking to me: Timothy wakes up at twenty to three- Nips to the bathroom, has a quick pee. Coughs, yawn, feels a bit queer- Goes to the kitchen: thinks 'Why am I here?" I think it pays to write down the reason for wanting to get a stock, lest you forget. Humans have short term memory. A little encouragement, a little discouragement,...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The curse of Sisyphus

After watching the movie Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, I was inspired to relate another greek mythology to modern life, specifically with relations to the market. I've blogged about Odysseus and the siren's song previously and had much fun doing so :) It was said that there was a king named Sisyphus who was cursed in Tartarus (a place darker and worse than Hades) by Zeus. The nature of his crime is immaterial here but suffice to say,...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

CNY thoughts

** "BIAS" is a special feature in my blog where I get to say whatever I want with scant regards for your feelings. I'm not politically correct in this feature, so go ahead, judge me."Some thoughts that are lingering in my mind during the last 72 hours. Why do I think so much? No idea - thoughts just come streaming to me at the weirdest time.1. I was wondering why do Chinese keep wishing others gong xi fa cai (literally - congratulations on striking rich). The fa cai is the part that is intriguing. Do other nationality and religion celebrate their...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Think happy thoughts

I am definitely happier these days.After my reservist stint in January, I came back feeling more refreshed and more zen about life. It's even better than my batam trip because:1. I get paid for my 'green' holiday, whereas in Batam, I've to foot the bills there myself2. I can meet up with my old time friends and talk cock, sing song whole day3. I get to read a lot of books. I think I completed 3 books there, plus small readings (some chapters) of...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bully the bear's report card

I'd recently sent my blog - Bully the bear - up for reviews by another blogger who had an eye for designs. I wanted to see what are the things that I have done right and not so right and the areas for improvement. You can click on it - it's found at the bottom right hand corner of this blog. The badge is so big, you can't miss it. Here's the reviews: BULLy the BEAR BULLy the BEAR is “la papillion’s” blog. In it, he shares his experiences and knowledge about the stock market. He is happy to tell all – from his humble beginnings as a newbie to...

Sunday, February 07, 2010

The siren's song

Recently, I've heard a lot of people wanting to get into the stock market. They really think the market is their mother, who is there to give them milk. These people do not have an emergency funds set aside, do not have adequate insurance, and worse of all, do not have savings. Yet they are all too ready to jump into the market after reading some rags to riches success stories displayed so prominently every sunday in the newspaper. Alas, they got...

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Endowment plan option for education fund

I was here and there discussing endowment plan, as a viable option to save up for child's education, with a few other bloggers. I had already shared my views in my previous posting here, so I would just like to substantiate with actual benefit illustrations. I would withhold the actual benefit illustrations, but will put up a summary of three companies that my very hardworking girlfriend had put up for me. She did the entire comparison herself,...

Monday, February 01, 2010

Interesting discovery

** "BIAS" is a special feature in my blog where I get to say whatever I want with scant regards for your feelings. I'm not politically correct in this feature, so go ahead, judge me."It's funny how after AIG went into trouble, its subsidiary AIA suddenly starts to detach itself away from it. I had plans under AIA, so I went to check the letters/reports sent to me, and I always see this line at the bottom of the page,"AIG - A member of American International...