Friday, November 30, 2007

STI up another 1.24%

Dow was still up last night and the party goes on. STI went up another 43 pts (1.24%) to close at 3521 with a volume of almost 2 billion. All the biggies moved up - SGX, DBS, Cosco...could it be that funds are buying up now to window dress their portfolio for the next year? Possibility is there.A lot of funny stuff happened towards market close. Sudden whack up and whack down to change the closing price - almost as if the BBs are trying to making the candlestick nice, haha! I saw that happening to singpost, cosco, swiber at least. Very interesting...

Thursday, November 29, 2007

STI up 3.22%

STI did a superb move upwards today, after a very good showing by Dow last night. Dow was up 331 pts (2.55%), and today STI followed it to close up 108.5 pts (3.22%) at 3478 with a volume of 1.78 billion. I've not seen STI rallied up so fiercely for some time already - but it's true that STI is getting more and more volatile nowadays, almost mirroring the crazy HSI volatility.All it takes is the 2nd in command from FED to say a sentence - that FED...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Volatility of STI

I was haunted by the image of a picture in market uncle's blog. Not it wasn't particularly scary, but the image sort of got stuck in my mind's eye and I seriously need to exorcise it out. Research shows that if one is feeling down or happy, one just have to work on some maths or logical problems - it'll bring the level of serotonin to neutral level so that one does not feel happier nor sad. I've tried it before, it works very well. Try Sudoko next...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

STI down after Dow 237 pt drop

STI was down 46 pts to close at 3372 with a volume of 1.75 billion. If you take a look at the intraday chart of STI, we see that throughout the morning, STI was down by around 2%. A sudden spike around 11 am causes a huge buying spree (intraday high of 3400) before it retraced and consolidate around 3370 region. What causes the spike up? Probably the news that citibank managed to sell its capital to Abu Dhabi group for 7.5 billion USD.Dow futures...

Yongnam rights issue

I got my OIS for yongnam rights issue recently, so spent some time reading through the thick 100 page report about the rights issue.A few key dates for my own reference:Last day of trading of nil-paid rights : 30 Nov (this fri)Last date and time for acceptance and payment of warrants: 6th Dec (next thurs) 9:30 pm for ATMExpected date of issuance for warrants: 17th DecemberExpected date of trading for warrants: 21st DecemberSo far, the rights issue is well received. It hovers around 0.035/0.040 range while yongnam mother share hovers around 0.270...

Monday, November 26, 2007

Good to juggle my portfolio?

What a roaring start to a bluesy Monday :) STI was up 93 pts (2.8%) to close at 3418 with a volume of 1.68 billion. By powering up so much, it now faces the ema200 days resistance at around 3430. Should it break through the resistance, we could be seeing another road block at ema20 days at 3500. It's important to remember that the lowest we got to in this selldown is around 3300. It's highly significant if STI fell lower than 3300. A very good scenario is if we break free of ema200 days resistance then retrace before powering up to 3500. Too much...

Friday, November 23, 2007

STI went up 13 pts - 3325

STI went up 13 pts to close at 3325 with a volume of 1.42 billion. Quite low, so the significance of the rebound isn't high. Dow wasn't opened for business last night so I guess it eased a lot of selling pressure off Asian bourses. In fact, Asian bourses had a little rally after HK's Warren buffet - Lee Ka Shing used 2 billion to buy shares and announced loudly to the whole world.Nothing much to say, perhaps can share an announcement:1. Swissco signs S$3.9 million worth of charter contracts. Not very interesting I suppose, haha :)Dow futures now...

FA of dating a rich man

Copied and paste from cna forum. Haha, damn funny!-------------------------------------Title: What should I do to marry a rich guy? I’m going to be honest of what I’m going to say here. I’m 25 this year. I’m very pretty, have style and good taste. I wish to marry a guy with $500k annual salary or above. You might say that I’m greedy, but an annual salary of $1M is considered only as middle class in New York. My requirement is not high. Is there...

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Another down day for STI, 1% drop

STI dropped another 1% more to close at 3312, with volume of 1.8 billion transacted. I think another 100 points like that to go before we hit rock bottom. Cannot be falling one straight line without rebound right? Possible support at 3300, then 3250, I think at most will fall to 3150.Most stocks are already trading at/below Jan price - meaning that the whole year worth of gains is wiped off. Serious huh? Well, nobody said that stock market is easy...

My first foray into fundamental analysis: Aztech

AztechIntroduction - It's NOT FUN in FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS!Aztech systems ltd is a manufacturing firm that provides OEM/ODM design and manufacturing services, contract manufacturing and retail distribution. Their products include data communication devices (like modems, routers, wireless products), voice communication products (IP telephony, skype products), homeplugs, TV receivers and even RC helicopters for hobbyist.Shiro Corporation is a subsidiary...

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Commission for HK shares through POEMS

This is more for charlesming and HH, whom I promised to share about the transaction costs of purchasing HK shares through POEMS. A lot of things are hidden, apparently my broker cannot tell me for sure what the details are as he had not encountered before. Nevertheless, from my calculations, here goes:Don't ask me why my commission rate is 0.478120%. That's what I worked out from the total brokerage they passed to me and calculated backwards. Can...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Key dates and events of Yongnam rights exercise

STI was down on accounts of Dow dropping 218 pts yesterday night. It went down to -100 over points before closing up 26 pts at 3438 with a volume of 2.26 billion. The remarkable recovery is due to an announcement after lunchtime that FED is holding an emergency meeting tonight at 2pm to discuss the possibility of a rate cut this month. A rally ensured in Nikkei and when HSI opened, it also pulled STI up from -ve ground to +ve grounds. That was the excitement that lifted the gloominess enveloping the market today. It was quite boring, so I spent...

Monday, November 19, 2007

Another down day

STI dropped 29 pts to close at 3411 with a volume of 1.645 billion. It's a quiet day at the markets, but the slaughter is still there.Market didn't perform well these few days. This comes from a week Dow performance. With all the reporting season gone, investors should look at more impact of the subprime and the rate cut possibility more closely. Dow should be as volatile as ever, but I really hope it'll stabilise.Some news to share:1. JP morgan chase sold down their stake in Yongnam. I would expect the price of yongnam to move towards the warrant...

Sunday, November 18, 2007

True spirit of Amelie Poulain

Come this Christmas eve, someone will be having a little surprise.Let me enlighten. Me and my gf are watching a movie at Cathay Handy Road (we're watching Beowulf - don't like it...too CG-ish). She wanted to draw some cash from the nearby ATM machine, so I tagged along. While she's doing her stuff, I saw a slip of receipt that is on top of the machine. Picking it up, I remarked to my gf that this person is quite a poor thing. After withdrawing $20...

Friday, November 16, 2007

Bought HSBC - my first bluechip

STI dropped 36 pts (1.05%) to close at 3440 with a volume of 1.82 billion transacted. Candlestick shows a reversal pattern, coupled with the low volume and sitting on EMA200, we should be heading for another rebound at least on Monday. Of course, this depends on how well Dow behaves.I entered HSBC listed at HKSE, 1 lot at HKD 137. Their 1 lot is equivalent to 400 shares. I'm not so sure about the charges involved besides the contract value, so I need to ask my broker to enlighten me on this issue. At a little more than SGD10,000, it's the most...

Capital structure of companies

Time to do something about my accountings again.Learnt more and subsequently got a bit confused over credit/debit - the details behind accountings. I guess I do not have to know that since my job is not to be an accountant but just to know enough to comment on the ratios and the main jargon surrounding accountings. But it's interesting that the monthly statement that we get from banks for our savings account is actually based with reference to the...

What's wrong with M1?

Quite disgusted with M1.Had changed a phone set with a accompanying plan recently, so they handed me the 4D/TOTO and Bye Bye Ring tone subscription (2 useless nonsense that I never even used) for 1 month. I had such freebies before and had been an M1 customer since I first had my phone in 1999/2000. The angry thing is that after 1 month, I assumed that the free services would be cut off like they always do in the past. Guess what, they continued charging me for 2 months. Okay, first month is my own fault - for being too busy with my work to pay...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

STI beaten down again

STI was down 1.34% to close at 3477 pts, with a volume of 1.95 billion. That's rather low volume, compared to previous few days of 2.2-2.5 billion.I heard a friend saying that DHL is going into the basic mail and postal services that is currently monopolised by Singpost. The postal service is worth about S$1 billion in revenue in 2004, with the total mail volume growing since the 1990s with an average growth rate of about 2% per year. IDA wishes...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Swiber and pac andes fabulous results :)

STI was up 49 pts to close at 3524 with a volume of 2.28 billion. A technical rebound was expected and today we have it. Does it mean that everything is fine from now? Hard to say. Should be looking at how we fall after this rebound. If STI lower than the previous low, then the downtrend is still intact. If it falls higher than the previous low, an uptrend could be in stall but have to be further confirmed with a higher high. Quite a lot of exciting news to share:1. Pac andes released results today. Revenue increased by 111.1% while net proft...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Swiber clinched US$25 million contract

Haha, finally got a chance to post something this week :) Was too busy helping out in a friend's wedding to post anything yesterday :)Thought that market will do a rebound today after dropping consecutively for so many days. All support broken, haha :) Might see a technical rebound tmr, a good chance to unload some counters if possible. Just an advice, do not load up during the rebound (if any) unless a clear uptrend is established. How to know if an uptrend is established? The simplest rule - higher highs and higher lows.STI was down 1.02%, closing...

Friday, November 09, 2007

Market outlook today

STI was down 2% (73 points), closing at 3599 with a volume of 2.3 billion.A few surprise - Swiber top gainer is this lousy market, rising up 0.320 to close at 3.660. Interesting, no news or anything too. Maybe it's the good results to come. I think they're reporting in 1 or 2 weeks time, can't remember.Market is just bad lah. STI broke support, possibly next support near 3570. Judging from Dow, isn't going to get let off on Monday too.A few news to share:1. CSC had excellent results to show. Net profit was up 292%. A happier thing for me to see...

My adventure into accountings

Phew, nearly 'dieded' trying to put all the accountings I've learnt today into practice.I went to the library to borrow this book, "Accounting demystified - a self-teaching guide". I long wanted to pick up accountings so that I can understand financial statements better, so what better time than now? :) I tried to read up on the financial ratios but doesn't make sense to me, cos I think I do not know what those entries in the statements mean, and...

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Feels like sat -'s a public holiday

I just finished reading "The mind of wall street" by Leon Levy. A rather interesting and easy read. I like the way he finds insights in the various interests that he had, besides the stock market. He can derive new insight by travelling, archaeological findings and economics - and he expresses the importance of creativity in such pursuits.This entry is not about the book review though. I finished this book in a day and a half (it's just too engaging not to finish it) and had a snapshot for US economy and the market since 1950s to early 2000s....

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Entered Singpost

STI didn't do too well despite Dow closing up 117 points yesterday. Today it was down by 10 pts to close at 3673 points, with a volume of 2.17 billion, despite a wonderful morning showing.Oil and gold is hitting record high. Gold is a safe haven for investors if they wanted another place to park their cash instead of the stock market. Oil prices at record high should spell good news for alternative energy stocks (look at indoagri, golden agri and...

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Yongnam won S$90 million contract

Dow dropped around 50 points last night, not too bad in my opinion. I was half expecting a bigger correction after citigroup report of more losses due to subprime AND the delay of the investment plans by China in HK. STI today went up 12 points to close at 3683 with a volume of 2.2 billion.STI twice tested intraday support at around 3660 but it didn't gave way. It was somewhat helped by HK sudden reversal from negative region to +500 points. Ali baba is the major company, haha! Its warrants that debut today went from 0.320 to 0.775, representing...

Monday, November 05, 2007

Market downturn

Market u-turning now. STI dropped 45.14 (1.21%) to close at 3670 with a volume of 2.24 billion. It was pretty bad from the start but the selling got worse when Europe started trading around 4pm. HSI dropped a hefty 5% after china indicated there might be some delays in the investement to China (something like that, wasn't really paying attention to the news).Quite surprised that Swiber fell so much, even dropping below my buy target of 3.37. It went down 3.28 down 0.200 today. Wondering whether to buy more or not...Big singapore sale is coming....

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Saturday thoughts

This is one of the rare Sat that I do not have work. Come to think of it, the most recent Sat that I do not have work is on 30th June, where I hopped over to Batam for a short weekend getaway. Hence, I'm rather free to reflect about issues over my blog now.The most naturally thing that comes into my mind is to debunk the myth that blue chips are stable. From investopedia, the definition of blue chips is:A nationally recognized, well-established and financially sound company. Blue chips generally sell high-quality, widely accepted products and...