Tuesday, August 21, 2018

17 months of being a father

After nearly 17 months of being a father, I think I have that little bit of experience to talk about the changes that happened to me. The changes are significant enough that sometimes me and wife will say BC and AC, which stands for Before Child and After Child. "Oh, we used to be able to watch movies in the cinema BC 2012...", laments the wife. "This is AC 2018, I don't think we can afford to have a late lunch at Tim Ho Wan at 2pm anymore...", I complained. Of course, mothers and fathers experienced the changes differently, but I think we...

Saturday, August 04, 2018

On why we do anything

There are 3 reasons why we have to do anything: 1) We want to do it 2) We have to do it 3) We do it so others don't have to do it Reason (1) is more ego-centric, where we focus on the needs of ourselves. Reason (3) is more focused on the needs of a larger community of which we are a part of.  This concept came to me when I observed my 17-month-old child transition from (1) to (2). Initially, all the things he does is just because he wants to do it. As he slowly understands our household rules, and later, the rules of the society of which...