Sunday, January 29, 2017

Marginal utility of Time vs Money

I'm always fascinated by my earlier 'miserly' behaviour, like how I used rusty shavers to save some money or how I worked like crazy to save my first 50k until I get so burnt out. I framed it as a growth mindset, where I grew bigger than my problems, hence it's not that my problems became smaller and therefore manageable, but rather I grew bigger, so the problems no longer affect me that much. This three articles I blogged about has the same underlying...

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Circular for Bullythebear shareholders

CIRCULAR TO SHAREHOLDERS (“CIRCULAR”) in relation to THE PROPOSED CONTINUATION AND FUNDING OF PREMIUM CBOX (Thereafter, “THE PROPOSAL” ) ------------------------------------------------- DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Circular, the following definitions apply throughout unless the context otherwise requires or unless otherwise stated. “BullyTheBear” : The award winning website that talks about personal finance and finance related information “cbox” : The tiny little community space right at the bottom of and below the blog...

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Gong xi gong xi

Some companies are wishing themselves happy chinese new year with their retrenchment exercises near the festive season. One of the more notable examples is given below: Besides that, HSBC also recently closed some branches and cut some jobs (here). I guess we all have to strive for financial freedom one day, because there'll come a time where even if you want to work, you might not be able to, either because the economy had changed drastically...

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Is it a dream or a goal?

I was reading Tim Ferriss tome "Tools of Titans " and finding little nuggets of information here and there. It was such a great education reading about psychedelics, strength training and ketosis - things that I don't read about in general. This one by the famed wrestler Triple H stood out: Is it a dream or a goal? A dream is something you fantasize about that will probably not happen. You can dream of being a world class DOTA player or get all...

Sunday, January 08, 2017

Bullythebear's reflection post of the decade

The first post of Bullythebear is dated at 4th Dec 2006. Today is 8th Jan 2017, which means that 10 years 1 month and 4 days had passed since my very first posting here. I thought it's a good time to think and reflect about the long journey of me writing this blog and all the readers reading it.So here's the blog post that summarises my journey in Bullythebear so far. Statistics 1. I made a total of 1,203 (excluding this) over the entire lifespan...

Monday, January 02, 2017

Reflection of year 2016

I think it's important to take stock of what had happened in 2016 and then reflect on the various pillars that make up my life. Let's have a look: 1. Finance As a financial blogger, this naturally comes first. I'll break it up into two parts, personal finance and portfolio. In 2016, I pushed through my limit of how much I can work in a day. I didn't exactly plan to make a record breaking year, but things just happened this way. As a result, I...