Tuesday, May 24, 2016

3 simple steps to start stock investing

I seldom have guest post in my blog. In fact, almost never. But since I'm using Investingnote as my preferred charting platform and Evan who is our guest writer below is from Investingnote, I don't mind sharing this space with him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a previous article titled ‘5 reasons why stock investing is so difficult to start’, I’ve mentioned the reasons that often become excuses,...

Thursday, May 19, 2016

How I reduce counterparty risk in my work

I was reading Investment moat's article on recent soilbuild's issuance of writ of summons to Technics Oil & Gas Limited. Soilbuild is seeking to claim back about $2 mil in rent plus an additional $12 mil in deposit for the second year of rent, with interest owed during the period where they didn't pay the rent. Counter party risk is hard to account for, but it's something we need to pay attention to in the real world. As a private tutor,...

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Hyflux 6% perpetual securities

This morning, I was quite excited to receive news of another retail bond. This time it's from Hyflux. The last they did that was in 2011 and I made a 4 part series on preference shares here. Back then, they are issuing 6% cumulative, non-convertible, non-voting and perpetual preference shares. This time, this issue seems more like perpetual shares than bonds. The difference is not significant though, given that it's a perp, so there is no maturity...

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Finding meaning in your suffering

Read the 4 paragraphs below and notice how you feel: You work everyday until you cannot work anymore. Everyday you are suffering but you do not know why. You work everyday until you cannot work anymore. Everyday you are suffering so that you can earn enough money. You work everyday until you cannot work anymore. Everyday you are suffering so that you can earn enough money so that your family can have their 3 meals a day and a roof over their...