Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Aspial 5.30% bond (AGAIN) - Good buy or Goodbye?

Aspial is issuing out new bonds again. The last time that did it was back around Aug 2015, giving 5.25% pa with maturity period of 5 yrs, which I've blogged about it here. This time round, they are upping the stake, giving 5.30% pa with a maturity period of 4 yrs. The expected issue date is 1st April 2016, and since this is a retail bond, you can bid for the allotment of the bonds through ATM as well. DBS is the sole lead manager and bookrunner,...

Friday, March 11, 2016

I closed off my Saizen arbritrage

I entered Saizen a few months ago, which I blogged about here. I just sold off today, so let's see if this arbitrage works out well. Entry price: $1.09 Ordinary dividends declared: $0.0283 Extraordinary dividends declared: $1.056 Exit price: $0.077 Profits per share: (1.056 + 0.0283 + 0.077) - 1.09 =  $0.0713 After accounting for commission for both buy and sell, the profit percentage becomes 5.9% all in. That's not too bad for a few months of work, haha! Whatever is left will be the escrow account, which is about $0.0895. The current...

Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Investment that gives you 3k per month?

This is a rare stock tip from bullythebears. I don't normally give tips, because it's too much responsibilities to bear, but this such a sure win that I can't help but share. This company gives about $1k to $10k per month as dividends. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but it had a track record of giving increasing amounts every year. Can't believe it? Well, it's your job! Let's take the average salary of $3k per month. If you want to have a dividend...

Monday, March 07, 2016

I'm a different person now

On Sunday I bought a new printer. It had automated duplex function (able to print 2 sides of the page without manually flipping the paper around), a scan function with OCR capabilities and able to copy and fax. The last time I bought a printer with somewhat similar capabilities was in 2011. The printer then cost me $299 and I remembered it's the costliest printer I had ever bought. I had to think twice and thrice, did days of research before I went...