Thursday, April 29, 2010

Solution to problem sum

Here I shall reveal the calculations that I had based on the problem posted in this earlier post. I sort of figured out that nobody will be so bothered enough to go and try calculating the theoretical price of ARA after XA, so I might as well show the answers now. Thanks HH for trying it! Haha :) Since in the real world, there are no teachers to check for you and no answers behind the textbook to assure that you're right, we always have to try...

Problem sum

This morning, I was trying to settle a problem related to the market. In real life, much of the challenge lies in defining the problem, rather than solving it. Once the problem is defined clearly, the solution can be found, or you can find people who can help you solve your problem. I shall spend some time defining the problem. The problem is laid out here. I had bought shares of ARA on three separate occasions. They declared a dividend of $0.025...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Don't be the last fool standing

As I see more and more newbies coming in to the market, I thought it'll be only right to warn them that the market is not their mother to give them money, but to take it away from them. I must have repeated this countless times in previous post, but it seems I only see more clueless newbies coming in to participate in the market. Some of the gripes I had with newbies are: 1. I'm in it for the long term I cringed whenever I heard the word investing...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Of Dragons and Men

On Sunday, while waiting for my gf to appear, I was spending the time at the MPH browsing some books. I picked up T.Harv's Secret of the Millionaire Mind from the shelf and started reading some chapters of it. It was a wonderful recap of what I had gathered from the book, since the last reading maybe like 1-2 years ago. A phrase caught my attention. It goes something like this, "Rich men grows bigger than their problems. Poor men tries to solve...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The stress faced by a teacher

These few weeks I'm ultra busy. Normally, I'm just busy. The mid year examinations are coming, so that's bringing a lot of extra work to me. When you read this post, I'm probably out working already - I just scheduled this article to be posted at this time and date. Ah, the magic of technology. In the past, during this period, I'll be quite stressful. This is because I've to push students to cramp a lot of things in their mind to prepare them for...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Changes in the education system

** "BIAS" is a special feature in my blog where I get to say whatever I want with scant regards for your feelings. I'm not politically correct in this feature, so go ahead, judge me." I read with interest regarding the latest changes to our education system. Most of the time, the changes will relate to mother tongue - a misnomer for the second language we learn besides English. The bugbear had always been the teaching of chinese, which many...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'm credible now

Sometime last year, I tried to apply for credit cards but failed miserably. I blogged about how frustrating it is to be bombarded by sales people egging me to get their free cards but when I filled up the long forms and submitted the required documents, they rejected me without any explanation. After a few tries last year, I gave up. I tried a few things but didn't work. These include: 1. Showing them a fat bank account flushed with cash 2. Sending...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Another way to beat inflation

I was looking at Adrain Khiat's column in the straits times this morning. Wow, he made it to the newspaper already, especially after he revamped his blog. I wouldn't say I'm a fan of his, but I do read his posting on and off. I stopped because there is just to much negativity in the comments. Might want to visit it again soon :) Anyway, he mentioned something about child education and how inflation can cause the tuition fee for local universities...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

4 panels say it all

Sorry, I just couldn't resist it when I saw this picture :) This picture is taken from this hilarious site, but I had to censor some naughty bits before posting. 4 panels to tell a story that everyone who had dabbled in the market knows, haha! As I'm blogging, US is on a pretty major slide because of news of SEC's prosecution on one of the giants of Wall Street - Goldman Sach...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

First deserve, then desire

It's been a long while since I returned to CNA forum (I linked it up in my blog, near the header). I used to go there everyday in the past just to read some of the entertaining banter that goes there. I stopped around 1-2 yrs ago because there isn't anybody there anymore. So, it's a surprise to see that the activity over at cna forum is getting quite hot. I also realised that more people are jumping into the market. Just yesterday, I looked in...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


As the market marches on and ever upwards, we've to start thinking whether to cash out some profits or to ride it further. I've posted here that STI shows signs of weakening already, so it's always prudent to take some profits off and to have more cash in hand to snap up good bargains when the correction comes in. This is to hedge your opinion in case they are wrong. 1. If the market goes up, you'll still have some stocks in it to ride the uptrend. 2....

Friday, April 09, 2010

I'm grateful for...

The hot weather plus the frentic pace of work makes my temper volatile. I think it's good to think about the things that I should be grateful for. These are written as they come to my mind, so it's not in any particular order of importance. 1. I'm grateful for a hand to hold and a heart to understand, which all comes in a package as my gf - the source of my many troubles and many many more joys. 2. I'm grateful for the sisterhood and brotherhood...

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Dubai or not Dubai - that is the question

Seems like the IPO market is hotting up. I've seen a lot of people asking whether to subscribe to the IPO and how many lots to bid. Personally, I hate to bid for IPO. Why? 1. IPO stands for It's Probably Overpriced. Mw told me this before, I agree. 2. You do not know how many lots you are going to get, hence people will usually bid more lots than they really want. It's a catch-22 situation - if you get it, it means that people do not want it....

Monday, April 05, 2010

I just want a checking account

I wanted to open a joint account with checking facilities (meaning you can write cheques) with my gf. The main purpose of it is to allow each of us to contribute a part of our income to pay for joint expenses like mortgages, groceries, furnitures etc. Since I was at suntec yesterday and OCBC had their branch opened on Sunday, I popped by to enquire. It seems that we intruded on their private small talk because the lady serving us seemed very annoyed...

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Spend too much on savings

My gf coined that title, when I told her I saved this and that every month. It was a very interesting way to put it, as the contrast between spending and spending cannot be more stark when they are forced into one single statement like that. How can someone spend on savings? The story goes like this.. Sometimes when I see something that I that interest me, my gf would tell me to just get it. But I told her that for this month, I do not have the budget for it. "How can it be? You saved so much every month!" "Aiya, the savings is used for other...