Saturday, January 31, 2009

Investment soul searching

I did more soul searching in terms of my investments education. I have changed my perspective drastically, even more so as the crisis unfolded right in my very eyes. Here’s a few important lessons that I wished I didn’t commit:1. Mistaking luck for skill.When the bull was charging at everything back in 2006 and 2007, I was blinded. I mistook skill for luck. I was dabbling in warrants even though I do not know anything about it, and trading counters like flipping burgers. The tragedy happened when I won, which emboldened me and I began to think...

Friday, January 30, 2009

Singpost 3Q08's result

Singpost announced their 3Q08 results today. As usual, their results are just that...boring. It's not doing exceptionally well, nor terribly bad either. It's just plodding along, so to speak. A few pointers to take note:1. 3Q08's operating profit falls 1.2% compared to 3Q07. However, if excluding all extraordinary items, the net profit for both 3Q results are nearly the same.2. Comparing 9M08 to 9M07, the operating profit dropped a little too (0.7%)....

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The mechanics of learning something new

My story into the stock market is not exactly a standard one. By standard, I mean those who saw people earning lots of money and wanted to get into it. I was never attracted by the returns of the market, and back then when I started, I was not aware of how much is a good return anyway. I was more pushed into the market then pulled by it. Why so?When I decided for myself back in 2006 that I needed to get an insurance, since I spent a good part of...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cbox premium subscription

The 6 months trial for the cbox premium is almost up. The subscription will cease on 8th Feb, 2009. Since I started this premium version, acting on the shareholder's vote upon the issue of the Circular, I must say I'm quite happy with the premium version of the cbox.1. The premium cbox have the auto refresh function which I found it to be extremely useful. In fact, I would pay just for that option alone. Add to the fact that there is a noticeable 'click' sound upon arrival of new messages, it certainly makes going back to the normal cbox unbearable.2....

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Paid lessons from the Market

A lot of things have changed for me since I switched from being a trader to an investor want-to-be. I must have mentioned it before, that in the past two years of being in the market, I've learned more about myself than I could have imagined possible. I thought I already know myself quite well....well, in the face of the markets (whether in bullish or bearish times), you'll also see yourself in a different light, I'm sure.Here's some of the lessons...

Friday, January 16, 2009

Superfriends Forum

If you've been visiting my blog, you'll notice that there is this queer advertisement just above the cbox that reads SUPERFRIENDS.Welcome to the SUPERFRIENDS FORUM! It's an extension of the cbox - a place where superheroes (and perhaps supervillians) gather. It is born out of a wish to have a private space of our own for those regular users to post things which are otherwise hard to put in the cbox. I know, the cbox flows faster than the ticks of...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Exclaiming my disclaimer

As I was replying to the constant stream of people who are asking me questions on the DBS rights issue post, I suddenly thought of this: What if I'm doing more harm to them than good?The comments and the questions kept on streaming day in and day out, and I just kept replying them. But somewhere in the 30th to 40th comments out of the present 68th comments, I reflected on the usefulness of it all. It's quite obvious from some of the questions that...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Nuffnang sent me a cheque!

After a long wait, I finally got my cheque in from Nuffnang :)It's had been a rather long wait. Since I've cashed it out on 17th Nov, 2008, I've been waiting till 11th Jan 2009 before it was sent to my home address. Well, in a way, I deserved it because I wasn't aware that they only process the application for cashing out at the end of the month. So from 17th Nov to end of Nov 2008, the application is just waiting in a 'queue' to be cashed out....

Friday, January 09, 2009

Can't get credit

This is my complain letter to those credit card issuing companies.Hey you! You enticed me to sign up for credit cards, with your staff standing around bus interchange and shopping malls, snatching people from the main crowd and huddling them to a corner to ask them to sign up. I obliged and filled up the forms and all, giving you all my private information pertaining to my income, NRIC, address and even banking statements. You said oh, no problems,...

Friday, January 02, 2009

Bear bullied me :(

I spent a great part of my day programming the excel spreadsheet that tracks my life - tuition, investment portfolio and cash flow/balance sheets. The last two spreadsheets caused a great deal of hardwork because I discovered I made a few grievous mistakes.1. I discovered that I had forgotten to average out my hongguo portfolio after buying in a tranche at 0.250. It means that my average buy price for Hongguo is at 0.40833 and not 0.4850 which I...