Monday, September 14, 2015

One in three

In life there's a big C that we're all afraid of. Reportedly, one in three will get this. The statistics are quite grim if you look at the person to the left of you and to the right of you. Out of the three of you, it's eeni meeni miini moh, so we'll see who gets the hot potato. The hot potato happen to fall upon my mum's lap. It happened quickly and the whole family rallied behind her to quickly sort out the problem. Within 2 weeks, after countless...

Friday, September 04, 2015

Reflection on my 50k savings journey

AK posted my old articles in his fb and reminded me that I need to keep stock of my 50k savings challenge. While I kept good records intra-year, I wasn’t really paying attention to how I did inter-years, so I thought this is a good time to check back on my savings record since I started 7 years ago. It was way back in 2009 when I started my 50k savings challenge. If it’s not for AK who posted some of the old articles in his facebook, I wouldn’t have remembered that it was THAT long ago. I still remembered that it was on a dare that I started...