Monday, September 27, 2010

How much do you need to have a family & live comfortably?

I was just wondering how much a typically Singaporean needs to earn in order to survive comfortably. The government is asking us not to be perfect and to have a family life (which includes 2 kids) as soon as possible. I am wondering how it is even possible to have all these without the necessary thought to the financial expenses involved. How much does a Singaporean need without kids? Let's run through some of the expenses involved: 1. Housing...

Friday, September 24, 2010

How do you know if you are addicted to the cbox?

** "BIAS" is a special feature in my blog where I get to say whatever I want with scant regards for your feelings. I'm not politically correct in this feature, so go ahead, judge me." I noticed a significant increase in the number of people going to the cbox. It definitely shows that the market activity is picking up. At the most bullish times, my cbox volume indicator gives a good proxy to the general activity happening in the stock...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

STI component members

My broker sent me this very interesting chart with the STI 30 component stocks and their respective data. With STI reaching 3100, I thought it's a good idea to look at this. There are quite a few data associated with each component stocks, things like PE, Consensus target price, Divy yield and Recommendations by analyst. This is what I've observed about the data: 1. Just a quick look at the recommendations offered by analyst for the 30 counters,...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Support you we shall

** "BIAS" is a special feature in my blog where I get to say whatever I want with scant regards for your feelings. I'm not politically correct in this feature, so go ahead, judge me." Yesterday I received news that momoeagle, one of the active cbox member here, decided to call it quits after adsense pulled a fast one on him. You can read about it here and the email that they sent to him. It's the very same email that I received from them...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Timeline for AIMSAMPIReit rights exercise

Quite a number of aims shareholders are asking about the rights timeline. I thought I'll paste up the whole thing up here. This is taken from their presentation slides available in sgx website, under company announcement. I think the key dates are the rights acceptance period and the nil paid rights trading period. ...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

AIMSAMPIReit rights exercise

I've AIMSAMPIReit and it had gone XR today. The right issue is 7 shares issued at $0.155 for every 20 shares held upon XR. Since I had 30 lots of Aims bought at $0.220, I will be having some odd lots after the rights issue. For those who have no clues on how to subscribe for rights, my newbie's FAQ link here might help out. It's still useful to ME after having done it for so long, haha! Here's the calculations: Right shares entitled: 30/20x7 = 10.5 lots Amount to fork out for 10.5 lots = 10.5 x 0.155 x 1000 = $1,627.50 Total amount of aims...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Preference shares Part II

I've written this article on preference shares a long time ago, suitably titled as Preference Shares Part I. I thought I should finish that article now, haha, after so long! To have a quick recap, let's go through some of the terms. Nothing much had changed since the last definition, but today I'm not in the mood for fancy words, so let's just use plain Jane terms. There are a few terms in preference shares that need to be understood. Non-cumulative : This means that if they did not give out a payment in the stated date, they will not accumulate...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Berkshire business books bites the dust

Another one bites the dust. Berkshire business books gives me fond memories. They sell books that are much cheaper than those that are found in physical stores. But these days, with online bookstores aplenty, I think they are not getting the business they needed. I bought a few books from them, that's about it. Goodbye! ...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My top 5 list of possible career options

** "BIAS" is a special feature in my blog where I get to say whatever I want with scant regards for your feelings. I'm not politically correct in this feature, so go ahead, judge me." I was thinking what I would do as a career if I were to just follow my passions blindly, with no regards to the monetary rewards and social repercussions. Yes, social repercussions - there are some jobs that you can't bring yourself to tell others because people...

Friday, September 10, 2010

The soundtrack of my life

I had this gigantic mp3 player - one of the first few generations of mp3 players, I proclaim proudly - from iriver. It is one gigantic piece of awesome, orgasm inducing music device, though it looks like a brick since it's essentially a harddisk. Not as sexy and slim as ipod...gosh, it does not even come with colours (it's only black fonts with blue background). I bought it for nearly 700 bucks for 10 Gb of storage and it's mine, so I loved it very...

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Why I don't blog about the stock market anymore?

Someone mentioned in the cbox (the 'infamous' cbox as AK puts it) that how come I don't blog about stocks and shares these days. If you look at the recent posts, it's all about my ramblings and rantings. Whine whine whine...occasionally there'll be the personal finance or insurance topics that interests me greatly, but almost nothing about stocks or shares. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing for I suspect that it'll happen to...

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Embracing our differences

I came upon this realisation that me and my gf have very different ways of doing things. It's not that I didn't know that after being together for so long, but rather during these few months of working together on a single project (i.e. our wedding), our differences are amplified and presented to us starkly. In the past, we settle our own projects and seldom have any interference from each other, so the inherent differences in our methods of doing...