Saturday, January 30, 2010

Blog It As It Is - BIAS

These days when I blog, there's this nagging self censorship that stops me from finishing my blog article, or from publishing it. It's this new-found sensibility to others that I find it irritating. If this goes on further, I'll have nothing more to write!To remedy this situation, I will follow dream's blog and do my own "dream's speak", a special feature where I get to say anything I like with scant regards to others. This will keep my mind free from the annoying self censorship that kills off my articles at its infancy.So here it goes, my very...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Begone idealistic youth!

When I was younger, I was quite idealistic. This kind of idealism must have come from a limited world view due to underexposure to reality, or simple a sheltered kind of environment. As I get older, I realised that things don't always go according to what I think. Here are some things that was idealistic about: 1. I wanted to get 10-12% returns from the market per year, because I read from books that the equity returns over the long term is around...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Batam photos

Recently I went over to Batam for my yearly pilgrimage. Since I never had the habit of bringing my camera with me, I snapped some nice scene with my handphone. Turns out nicer than I imagine, considering that it's 3 megapixels only. Here's a flash based site that I created a few days ago, where I show case some of the pictures that I took over at Batam. Click here. I always wanted to find some flash based sites to design some widgets or sites, and it's just pure luck that I found Anyone can do nice sites using that free interface, do...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My noticeboard


Tuesday, January 05, 2010

New year resolutions redefined

Seeing everyone doing their new year resolutions, I thought of doing one too. However, it's a serious thing to me because I want to do one which I intend to complete, so a fair amount of thinking and planning is involved. I don't like dreaming of big things and waiting for it to happen to me - it can be quite demoralising if it didn't come true.I was thinking about the project that I did in 2009 - which is my 50k challenge. For the uninitiated, it's my 12 months long plan to save 50k for various things that will happen this year.Now, I'm thinking...