Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How to be a millionaire

After reading so many books on financial freedom, I realised these are the ways to be a millionaire. Why are people so obsessed with being a millionaire? I'm not so sure, perhaps it's a milestone in their lives. For me, being a millionaire is not the most important thing to do. How about being able to spend a million for a start? Haha! Ranked in order of ease, these are: 1. Start off as a billionaire, spend till you become a millionaire I suppose...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Bullythebear gathering

It seems like many people prefer sat 10 am to 12 noon. The venue proposed is actually Tea Chapter. You can click on the site here to view it. However, it opens at 11am.I suggest we meet at 1045 am on 27th June, sat, then by the time people comes streaming in, it'll be just nice. They sell some little snacks there too :) I think the gathering will take 2-3 hours.IMPT: Since the response is not warm, I think we'll postpone the session to future date ...

Friday, June 12, 2009

Polling time

Trying to arrange an outing in a tea house recently, so need some feedback from the regulars. Can you please post in the comments:1. The day of the week which you are available eg. Fri or Sat2. The time of the day which you are available e.g from 11am to 3pm.The venue should be the place I mentioned last time, no need to mention it here again. If you're unsure, can always ask those in the cbox.I'll try to arrange it ...

Friday, June 05, 2009

How to motivate people

First of all, a disclaimer. If I really know how to motivate people, this will really be my ticket to financial freedom. To motivate someone, you really need to understand both the science and the art. I've been doing this for 6 years, with varying results. Still trying... Broadly, to motivate people you have to maximise their pleasure and minimise their pain. I'll try to include accompanying examples. Where applicable, I'll use a common example to illustrate the finer points. The example is this scenario where you are bringing your kid to the...

To sell or not to sell?

Do you ever wondered about this - Imagine you have a stock which you had bought at $1.20. The price now is $1.80. It gives out dividend (not guaranteed, of course) at a rate of 5 cents per annum last year (dividend yield of 4.2%), with possibility of increasing its yield every year. Will you sell the stock for capital gains of 60 cts (1.80 - 1.20 = 60 cts) but forsaking 5 cents or more dividends forever?Here's a few ways to valuate this:1. Assuming...