Saturday, May 23, 2009

Disgusting Pac Andes

Pac andes just threw a grenade towards my direction. Make it 2 grenades. It got me hot and bothered!1. First grenade - they are issuing rights on a basis of 1 rights share @ $0.15 for every existing share held. The rights come with detachable warrants, with an exercise price of $0.23 each to convert to 1 ordinary share.Hey, didn't pac andes do a rights issue in 2007 before? And they are doing it again? C'mon...are you so pressed for money to keep asking shareholders to part with their cash?? It's not enough to dump shareholders with rights issue,...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How much to save to retire

I was just doing some simple calculations to see how much I need to earn in my working life (assuming I have to retire at 55) in order to sustain myself only till the end of my life. I've a average monthly expenditure of around 2500, all inclusive.So assuming I pass on at age 85,$2500 x 12 x 54 = $1,620,000I probably need this much money now in order to stop working yet be able to sustain my lifestyle till 85. This 1.6 million of course do not include family, or any other commitments that I incurred while I survive till 85...thus it's quite an...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The father, the son and the donkey

KK shared with me this story in the cbox. I really thought it's a very important lesson to be learned from it. It is happening to us all the time. Since we learn different things from the same story, I'm not going to interpret but leave it open for readers to form their own thoughts about it.----------------------------------A Man and his son were once going with their Donkey to market. As they were walking along by its side a countryman passed...

Friday, May 08, 2009

Wordle here wordle there

This is another wonderful piece of art form I found from PG's website. Indeed very fun - I spent a few hours playing with it just to see the different combination that comes out.Here's a wordle of the books I've read so far this year. The bigger the fonts are, the more times it occurs in the titles of the books I've read :) Have fun trying, it's found here!See? I've read a lot of books on millionaires and a lot of them have the words 'Buffet' and...

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Top-down approach in investing

I usually adopt a bottom up approach towards investing, so it's good to do a top down approach too, just to see the broader picture. I read this little book series (yes, finally completed everyone of them!) called Bull Moves in Bear Markets by Peter Schiff and in it, there are a very investment themes to take note of. Basically the author is very bias towards the near term future of US, notably because of the high amount of debts that it is mired...

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Microsoft Live Writer review

After listening to what PG had mentioned with regards to my time saving article recently, I decided to adopt and download the free Microsoft Live writer. It's actually a very cool piece of software and I'm testing it right now as I type this article. In the past, I used to type my blog on Microsoft words then cut and paste onto the blogger site, but it seems that this cool piece of software can publish straight to blogger! I can even see how it...

Monday, May 04, 2009

Ways to save your time

As time gets more and more precious, I wondered how else I can do to squeeze more time. Everyone gets 24 hours a day, but some people wasted a good part of their time doing things that are not aligned to their goals or not pleasurable to themselves – in order words, their time got ‘robbed’ by others.Here’s a few ways for me to squeeze more time to really do the things I want to do:1. Blog my articles in Microsoft words first, then cut and paste...