Sunday, December 31, 2006

Thoughts (total returns: $3,980)

Just came back.As stated, I did not buy on last Fri because of work. I think it's quite important to take a break after every major winnings. And the last week I did earn quite a bit, around $1500. And to think that last week had only 3 days of trading since Monday was a holiday and Fri I did not trade. This was mainly because HSI went crazy and went up and up away.Last Fri it did came down around 30 points. Next trading day (next wed) in the new year would be tricky. Dow closed negative 30 points too, nasdaq negative 10 points. My feeling is...

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Total returns: $3,860

Hsi is crazy!I think it increased by around 1000 points in less than 1 week, and breached 20,000 for the first time in its history!I think if someone just call warrant last month, can become half a millionaire, if not a millionaire already. Goodness! I wonder how long can this party last? For me, I'll be contented to buy and sell intraday rather than risk it by holding overnight.Longcheer did cheong today, to an intraday height of 1.29. Really hoping it'll break 1.37 barrier again and on from there on.I re-checked some of my past earnings. Because...

Made 900 today on call warrants

Dow super strong last night, up by 100 pts! Nikkei opened green today, sti too, so my bet is hsi will also surge upwards, though I think the surge will be lesser than yesterdays.So around morning, I bought a call warrant again. Internet a bit slow today though I can use my hsi live charts, at least won't be trading blindly. Entered one warrant at 0.595. After some time dropped by around 8 ticks or more, dunno why. Perhaps some computer problems or so, I immediately seized the opportunity to buy in more. BUT THE COMPUTER FROZE!! the end...

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Made $650 today, total returns: +$2460

Is it mercury retrograde now?Taiwan's earthquake affected quite a number of countries in Asia. It's almost a cyber earthquake here because we can't access most if not all the us based sites. It's pretty okay in the morning but around mid morning, everything just comes to a standstill.Imagine if I had bought huge amount, I'll have died a heart attack. Today hsi cheong like crazy, +400! It opened 300 up already, what a furious gap up after a long break. Luckily I bought small amount of call warrant (half my usual amount to test test), and even before...

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Total returns: $1,280

A terribly boring market.I spent the day posting in cna forum and decipher's website. Otherwise, how to whilst the time away? Can't trade somemore cos hsi not even open.DBS didn't barge a bit. Yesterday's news not powerful enough? I don't know. Hengxin, doing coaxial cable for telco companies had a big runup today. Longcheer too. Maybe the long awaited 3G annoucement is coming, perhaps tonight? I hope so too.The rest of my holdings, some gained some lost. But overall made more because longcheer went up more than the rest which dropped a bit. Heard...

Monday, December 25, 2006 not open today

Hmm, just bored that today the market is not open.As a result, I did some management of my portfolio spreadsheet. I did it once already so this is just some minor adjustments to the calculations etc. I believe that good records of portfolio is essential not just for accountability but it serves as a historical profile of the stocks you own. Maybe I should include why I buy the stocks and why I sell them. That will record the psychological aspect of the trading/investment moves as well. Hmm, I'll consider revamping again for 2007.I decided to include...

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Reflections for the week; total returns +$640

Sidenote: It was well worth the 1.4k for the christmas party. $$ is not everything. I believe in trading, skills are important for the long run. While you can lose money, you musn't lose your confidence and we have to keep on honing our skills.On hinder hindsight, I think it was wise to sell off the warrant. Initially my plan was to hold it till market reopens on tues. I think it was not a wise move at all. 4 days would have passed, and the time decay of warrants would not make it advisable to hold on. Besides, there is too much uncertainty over...

Friday, December 22, 2006

Could have made 1.4k more!

Didn't expect hsi and sti to close strongly today.On hindsight, I shouldn't have cashed out on my call warrants too early. Because it rises up to 0.71 by the time the market closed. I could have earned another 1400k if i cashed out later. Aiya, sometimes, I think I should become a full time trader instead of working. There are easier way to earn money than to work for people. This is a career move that I am thinking about lately.The rest of my stocks is as usual, not moving much nor dropping. Longcheer stays at 1.9. Pac andes dropped a bit to...

Made $400 on yesterday's call warrant

Today is half day trading for me because I need to prepare for a christmas party tmr. Dow didn't close positive today, nikkei looks weak, trading range I think. Hsi too, go up go down. Actually, today would be the perfect day to trade. Range trading is good for me because I think I've trained enough to recognise the top and bottom. Usually, in days like this I will buy in series of 10 lots when i see the stochastic is reversing from a minimum. This is to catch the bottom of the curve. If it drops, I'll buy another 10 lots more. But before that,...

Total returns: -$10

Dow as of now is at -9. I think it might close -ve tonight but we'll see how it might affect hsi tmr.One camp is saying that hsi is consolidating now and preparing to rebound anytime soon. Another is that hsi is going to go down. Aiya, for me, no point anticipating, we'll know in a few hours time. I'm still holding my call warrants. If tmr I can't sell off, I'll hold it till market opens again on Tues (Mon is Christmas Day). I should expect a strong rally next week if our dear capricorn effect really works. Hmm, tmr afterall is a fri, and we all...

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Fengshui predictions for stock market 2007

Feng shui investors brace for year of fire on waterThursday December 21, 1:34 am ETBy James Pomfret and Ian ChuaHONG KONG (Reuters) - Forget fund flows and profit predictions, 2007 is about "fire sitting on water." Buy oil, avoid metals, and don't get your fingers burned.Feng shui experts steeped in the ancient Chinese knowledge of geomancy, or natural energies, see a turbulent year ahead for both markets and mankind."The elements -- they are in conflict," said Raymond Lo, a practitioner for more than 10 years, whose office close to Hong Kong's...

Another profitable day (tiny tiny one though)

Not sure of today's direction in hsi.Dow closed slightly -ve. Nikkei opened weakly but in the green. So I stayed on the sidelines in the morning before I went in for small amounts of call when stochastics are at the bottom. Market really is not strong. I can see that based on the stochastics alone. Usually when the stochastics u-turn from the minimum the stocks will go up quite fast, or at least substantially. However, today the hsi didn't rebound strongly, at most up one or two ticks only. Sometimes it even diverged from the stochastics i.e....

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Removed a lot of stones, now can fly! Total profits: +130

Today is an exciting day for me!Here's the good news:1. I managed to break off my lousy stocks like fabchem. Sunshine is not lousy, though I don't really like the slow action so I sold off all of them. ALL of them. I felt much lighter now, haha! It didn't matter that fabchem and sunshine (esp sunshine) rise up after I sold. Actually, I think after dealing with warrants for some time, my reaction is too fast! I recognise all the signals for rebound, but forgot that stocks, unlike warrants, react over a longer period of time. Stocks will take days...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

total loss - 4.2 k

Pui pui pui!What a lousy trading day! Deciding on a put, before it drop, i sell at a loss. Went on to buy a call. Before I say "ah!", drops down to make a substantial loss. WTF!Some days like these I really hate myself. How come I don't have the mental clarity and discipline to follow my beliefs? Sigh.. Have to see all these as a lesson. Don't EVER trade when you're not feeling up to it.I managed to sold half of my sunshine holdings, making a slight loss. I think I'll carry on my selling plan. No point holding on to lost hope. Longcheer and fabchem...

Total returns: -2 k, made $140 from call warrant

I bought small amounts (half my usual lots) of call warrants for hsi today. This is because I need to go out in the afternoon so it's quite risky. I bought it because dow on fri is quite strong, followed by a strong nikkei opening. Made around 140 today. Could have earned lots more, around 3 times more? But it's alright, I can always earn more another day. The market is always there. No point rushing.STI keeps breaking new high, hsi also doing better. Been increasing for the past few days with no sign of slowing down. Dow is quite strong tonight...

Monday, December 11, 2006

Total returns: - $640

I kept my promise, did not buy anything after the last blog posting.STI almost can't make it. Heard its mainly supported by singtel, otherwise wouldn't not rise as much as today. You can see that the gain/lose stocks is not proportional to the gain in sti. I guess mainly the stocks gain are from the big caps one, not china stocks. Certainly not china stocks. Most of my china holdings are all in the red.Sigh...see this fabchem and sunshine, really gets me worried. Esp fabchem. Keeps dropping and dropping. I hope a merger is on the way, because...

Made 1.2k on call warrants today : )

At first, I did not want to buy anything, because tmr I'll be gng overseas for a short trip till Fri. I'll have difficulties making payments should I incur losses.However, after observing the market, I just can't resist the temptation! But firstly, let me recall the IR issue at play today. As expected, after genting won the sentosa IR, its share price will rise. I wouldn't buy it, certainly not today cos it would be chasing after it. What's more is that genting is going to issue new shares to get capital to fund the building of the IR, at the...

Friday, December 08, 2006

IR annoucement blues? Total returns: - 850

Another boring day.Did not do any trades today, especially not hsi warrants. It was way to unstable to bet on either direction, although generally I think hsi had bottomed out. Can't get much lower than this already lah.Dow futures green as of now, nasdaq and S&P -ve. I think tonight dow should be red. Just a feeling. Hmm, IR annoucement should be anytime now, I think, at 530pm.What a bad market today. STI dropped 36 points, mainly supported by strong singtel showing. Can easily see that the top 10 volume are all occupied by singtel call warrants....

Total returns: - 220

As promised, here's the update for the last market day.I'm very glad that I sold my call warrant for hsi at the earliest instant. Cos if not i'll be deeply in the red to the tune of 2.5 to 3k. I managed to escape at 1.3k, still not too bad. Point to take note: Don't keep warrant overnight if you want a good night's sleep. It's simply too volatile and highly manipulated.Didn't buy any warrants, took a break today. Cos from what i see, hsi is whipsawing up and down in the morning, afternoon it's all DOWN DOWN DOWN until -183 points. Goodness. Heard...

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Sold my scary call warrant

Hmm, a bit early right? Market is not even closed yet, but here I am blogging away.Today nearly had a panic attack. I can feel my heart pounding away furiously when it nears 9am. This is usually a bad sign. What's more, I log myself out of website after attempting for 3 tries!!My god, the last time I did that, I had to wait 2-3 days for them to send me the password again! I couldn't afford that luxury, especially when I have an important warrant to sell off! Luckily, I called the service centre and unlike all the 99 times that I call them, they...

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Jittery day, no profits, total returns - 400

Today wasn't so good.Firstly, I didn't stick to what I believed in. Secondly, I hope too much and was too greedy.I wasn't sure of hsi direction today even though dow closed green, nikkei looked strong too. So, I didn't buy till around 10 am. This time, I bought too much because I thought that hsi would bottom out and would rise again. It didn't, in fact, it just keep dropping. After lunch, when it went up to cover my losses, I didn't cut it. Why? Greed.I was busy trying to balance my profits/loss and wasn't concentrating on the trade itself. How...

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Made a 1k today, total position -1.2k

First thing in the morning, what I did normally is to check the dow jones together with nikkei. Dow jones closed around 90 pts, which is considered a very bullish sign for all other indices. Hopefully, STI and HSI will open strongly too.I bought two put warrant, one of them is my favourite one, the other is a higher gear. Both are call warrant, because I believe that hsi will also rise up strongly. I was paying close attention to the stochastic and rsi, after learning about them since yesterday. I also checked on bollinger band, always looking...

Monday, December 04, 2006

Made some contra gains, lost a LOT of long

Sigh..In life, you made some and lose some. I only hope to make more than I lose. Not today, I guess.Today, I have a gut feeling that HSI will do alright. This is after DOW has fallen by around 27 pts on last Fri. My rationale is this: HSI has fallen very badly on Fri too, around 270 points (if I'm not wrong?). Some forum pple said that this is due to the BBs trying to sell off their stocks before this week's new and exciting IPOs in hongkong. There's also this thing about HSI going to get restructured, about BOC being one of the components of...

First shot out

Hmm, this is not the first time I'm having a blog. Though it is a first time I'm having a trading blog. Why a trading blog? Well, it's always good to document your thinking and psychological state at the end of each trading day. This serves both purposes: One to decide what action to do the next trading day, Second to see if the actions carried on this trading day goes according to plan.I believe over time, this blog should serve me well. I really hope to break even after the stupid May/June selldow...