Monday, April 09, 2007

STI up by 54, minister pay up by 60%

Woo woo...sti cheong so much :)

Up 54 points to a nice nice number of 3400.00 exactly. Usually round numbers are psychological points of resistance, so we might pull back tomorrow. Dow's looking very good now though, so it might hit above it before a healthy pull back.

All the property stocks got a boost. Capitaland up 0.30, CDL up 0.40. Basically almost all the stocks went up, except my Swiber :(. I think swiber went up too fast last week already, well, it'll have its day, so I'm not worried. Tomorrow is my contra day up, so I might decided to sell off my 5 lots that I bought last thurs. See how the market is tmr. I might hold it too...hmm..

STI has 7 consecutive days of up days already, a healthy pull back is neccessary to climb higher. Might see it later part of this week. Quite a number of figures to take note for this week. I think the estimate of GDP is going to be released this week. US also have some impt economic figures out, can't remember exactly what.

Global voice getting hotter nowadays, haha! Might see if there's opportunities to trade this stock.

Dow is up +10 now. Europe mostly green. Should be a good day tmr :)

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