Thursday, April 05, 2007

Happy easter fri!

HK closed for easter holiday today, leaving nikkei to drop by 50 pts, while STI gained slightly by 13 pts.

It's impt to take note of the whole movement of STI today. In the morning, STI drop to 3320 before rebounding up to 3345. The last high before the Feb sell off was around 3320 too. This means that we have a higher high with the previous high as a support - which is a good sign we are going bullish for the time being.

Haha, that's all I have to say today. My total loss of this week stands at: 24.3 k.

-DBS might issue new and cheaper shares so that more retail investors can afford it, either that or they will sell it at smaller shares per lot instead of 1000 shares per lot now. Good news! If they do that, I will surely subscribe. DBS got license to operate islamic bank, PLUS they are the only local bank in singapore to get a license to operate in china PLUS they have a global reach spanning to HK, China, and possibly other places that I don't remember. Now is at 22.30 per share, if you buy 1 lot, that's $22,300!!

Happy easter friday!

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