Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Croesus rights allocation is out

A quick update before I start work.

The rights allocation for Croesus is out. I haven't got the refund of money yet in my bank account and to check how many rights you're allocated, just go to CDP site here, log in (hopefully you've got all the password and token access) and check how many rights you have.

I have 10,000 shares of Croesus and I have 13,100, so I know my entitled amount is 2,200 and excess is 900 shares. Since I have full rounding, I'm pleasantly surprised to see that I have excess. Not too bad at all. My strategy for the rights is to subscribed for all the entitlement and double it to apply for the excess. From experience of rights exercise from reits, the excess never exceeded the amount of entitled rights, so this is a sound strategy. You also don't want too many when others don't want it haha!

Have you checked?


  1. Hi LP,

    congrats on the excess. Why your excess is 900 and not 800 which will make it a rounder number at 13000.

    I had 8000 and rights of 1760. Excess 40 to make it round and got it. Now I have 9800! I am superstitious!

  2. Hi Rolf,

    Haha, these days the round lots are based on 100 shares, so 900 shares or 800 shares is also considered a round lot ;) I'll grab as many as they can give to lower down my average shares price ;)


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