Saturday, August 23, 2014

The girl who picks up snail

He was just 22, when he met a beautiful girl
bending over a pavement, while it pours like pearl
With her brown and beady eyes, she pointed to a snail
crawling along the pavement, leaving a moist and slimy trail.
With slow and gentle hands, she plucked it off the ground
and placed it just beside, a soft and grassy mound.
Puzzled, he asked the girl, "Why change the snail's locale?"
Beaming, she answered back, "This is my rationale,"

"This snail moves too slow, you see
It is quietly plodding by,
Its shell is just too frail, you know
A foot, a crush, it'll say goodbye
So please stay strong, let me pick you up,
Be safe and sound, you little pup,
See you again on the other side,
May our paths again, meet and collide."

Before long he was married to her,
a joyous occasion, with fanfare and liqueur.
At age 32, they had a child:
A sweet little girl with her mother's smile.
But the babe was born with a hole in her heart
Is this child's life going wrong from the start?
Worried, he asked her,  "Can our child make it?"
"Surely," she said, "though she's a little unfit"

"This snail moves too slow, you see
It is quietly plodding by,
Its shell is just too frail, you know
A foot, a crush, it'll say goodbye
So please stay strong, let me pick you up,
Be safe and sound, you little pup,
I'll be here to watch you grow,
And march down the aisle with your Romeo."

40 years flew by just like that
Together, he and she grew old and fat
But in his eyes, she's still the beautiful girl
whom he met last week while it rains like pearl
One day, hands together, they were having a stroll
Her grip loosened, she fell, no longer in control
A moment later they were at a hospital bed
He sat beside her, his face full of dread.
His daughter came in, with her own kids,
and saw his worry, his sorrow, roll down his lids.
Sadly, he asked her, "Will ma be alright?"
"If ma can speak, she'll say this," she cried.

"This snail moves too slow, you see
It is quietly plodding by,
Its shell is just too frail, you know
A foot, a crush, it'll say goodbye
So please stay strong, let me pick you up,
Be safe and sound, you little pup,
See you again on the other side,
May our paths again, meet and collide."

Here's an old post to accompany this lyrics/poem : The Little Things


  1. LP,

    Love, Kindness, Compassion

    Your poem sounds like lyrics to a song

    Add a tune, man of passion

    Then we can all sing along!

  2. Hi SMOL,

    Haha, I keep on going back to writing lyrics :) maybe not good enough to write poems, that's why!

  3. Another great poem there before the start of the week!
    Thanks for sharing LP! :)

  4. Hi IA,

    Glad to see u here again :) it's a fabricated true story, containing elements of my own experiences too. Happy that you enjoyed it ;)

  5. LP,

    No wonder the snail part sounds so familiar ;)

    Ah! Now I remember.

    That girl playfully put ice-cream on your nose too.


  6. Hi SMOL,

    Haha, you did remember :)

    Yes, it's that same girl ;)


Take note: Do use a nickname instead of being anonymous. It's really just so that I can address your comments properly. Thanks!