Monday, November 28, 2011

Cbox outing @ Beng Hiang

Bullythebear had a lunch outing on Sat 26th Nov 2011. It had been quite some time where we had a gathering with the guys/gals from the cbox community. Anyway, thanks to Neophyte who initiated it and passed the baton over to me to handle the rest of the logistic. Not to forget sfry who sponsored the lunch though we had never met. It was always the kindness that we experienced from strangers that we will always remember deep in our hearts. Had a great time that day from 'our' restaurant Beng Hiang at Amoy street.

Here's all the dishes, in chronological order. Sorry for the first dish, I forgot to take pictures until we're deep into the dish, haha!

Are you expecting to see people's faces here? Nah, I'm too smart for this. Anyway, it's a unwritten rule that no pictures of faces are taken during the outing. Interesting to see how the faces match up to the online personality, haha!


  1. to be honest the food doesnt look good in the pictures. BUT looks can be deceiving i hope? :P

    i hope its well worth the money, but still, main point is having fun with ur CBOX buds.

  2. I believe the food must be super good. That is why half gone before LP could have a chance to take photos. Hahahaha... ;p

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