Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sabana Shari'ah Compliant REIT part II

The Sabana Shari'ah compliant reit got its offer price of the IPO finalised at $1.05, which is in the middle of the indicative range of 1.00 to 1.10. This raises a few questions on why the institutions are not snapping up this high yield and largest shari'ah compliant reit in the world. I can't answer that, of course. I've written at length about this new reit on another post sometime ago, so I'm not going to repeat again.

This IPO is supposed to start last Fri until this coming Wed on 24th Nov 2010. Trading begins on Fri on 26th Nov.  At 1.05, the yield for 2011 and 2012 will be 8.05% and 8.08% respectively. NAV value is 0.94, so it will debut at a premium of 11.7% above the NAV.

Based on my plan, I intend to sell out on the first day at around 15% to 20% above IPO price. That means a target of 1.21 to 1.26. The price increase will bring the yield down to 7% to 6.7% (for 2011). That's for the first day. If I have more than 5 lots, then I'll hold another portion of it until some of the Shari'ah compliant indexes in the world starts to include this newly listed reit into their portfolio, then I'll dispose of it. I doubt I'll get more than 5 lots anyway.

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