Friday, June 12, 2009

Polling time

Trying to arrange an outing in a tea house recently, so need some feedback from the regulars. Can you please post in the comments:

1. The day of the week which you are available eg. Fri or Sat
2. The time of the day which you are available e.g from 11am to 3pm.

The venue should be the place I mentioned last time, no need to mention it here again. If you're unsure, can always ask those in the cbox.

I'll try to arrange it :)


  1. Hi Bro, I week day cannot... only saturday! =) 10-12 is good! but i'm out of town 19 to 22 june!


  2. 10 to 12 is good.

    i'll have to check if i have duties to do on sat though cause my unit's involved in NDP. (:

  3. Sat 10am - 12pm :)



Take note: Do use a nickname instead of being anonymous. It's really just so that I can address your comments properly. Thanks!