Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Microsoft Live Writer review

After listening to what PG had mentioned with regards to my time saving article recently, I decided to adopt and download the free Microsoft Live writer. It's actually a very cool piece of software and I'm testing it right now as I type this article. In the past, I used to type my blog on Microsoft words then cut and paste onto the blogger site, but it seems that this cool piece of software can publish straight to blogger!

I can even see how it looks like in the actual colour settings, which is damn cool! If not, I can always switch to html or the normal 'words' format to edit as I wish. Very convenient indeed! I can even put in pictures from web or from my computer, which previously I can't from microsoft words.

The software is also quite idiot proof and I spend less than a few minutes trying to figure out which buttons is for what functions. It certainly makes my blogging experience more enriched. I think it's even more user-friendly than the blogger interface :)


Definitely a must-use for me! Potential time-saver found!


  1. Hi LP,

    Upon your recommendation, I went to download the Windows Live Writer too. It looks great to me actually. The main advantage for me is that I can write and save the draft on my network instead of having to switch on my wireless on my netbook and login to Blogger to write my post. In this way, I can save battery life while I am writing on the move. Thanks for the recommendation.

  2. Hi LP

    Glad to see that Live Writer is of use. I was using it extensively when I was more mobile and using a laptop. But now I'm more deskbound with a desktop PC so writing direct to wordpress/blogger is okay.

    But Live Writer is a decent blogging tool. One of the better and rare? free product from Microsoft.

    Be well and prosper.

  3. Hi Kay

    Great to see that you also benefitted from Live Writer.

    I find many time saving tips on lifehacker website.

    Be well and prosper.

  4. Hey PG,

    It's really a decent product from microsoft, will be using it from now on :)


  5. Hey Kay,

    Must thank PG, not me :) He's the one who recommended me on this splendid software :)

  6. I was wonder who is the PG that you are referring to in your post. It turns out that it is PanzerGrenadier ! Thanks for the recommendation, PG. This software is awesome indeed.


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