Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Dividend yield for my counters

As promised, I'll do the yield for some of the counters that I had. Here it is:

1. Singpost

Singpost dividend policy is to distribute 80 to 90% of its net profit, or 5 cts per share, whichever is higher. Dividend history:

FY02/03 ---- 4.2 cts per share
FY03/04 ---- 4.2
FY04/05 ---- 5.0
FY05/06 ---- 5.5
FY06/07 ---- 6.25

My purchase price is $1.18. Based on 6.25 cts per share (1st to 3rd quarter 1.25 cts per share, 4th quarter 2.50 cts per share), my dividend yield based on purchase price $is 5.3%. Based on today's closing price of $1.06, the dividend yield is 5.90%.

2. Pacific Andes holdings

Hmm, didn't know their dividend keeps increasing over the years. Only realised it now.

2007 $0.0184 per share
2006 0.0182
2005 0.0163
2004 0.0125
2003 0.0110
2002 0.0100
2001 0.0150

Hard to calculate for this one because of the rights issue. My purchase price is $0.65833, so based on dividend payout of 1.84 cts per share, dividend yield is 2.79%. Based on today's closing of 0.495, dividend yield is 3.72%.


2007 ---- HKD $3.974898 (for 3 quarters only)
2006 ---- 6.314487
2005 ---- 5.661851
2004 ---- 5.142115
2003 ---- 4.662372
2002 ---- 4.133542
2001 ---- 3.743378
2000 ---- 3.392271
1999 ---- 2.642
1998 ---- 2.39
1997 ---- 2.14 per share

Since in 2007, the dividend of 3.974898 is for 3 interims, I need to make some approximation to the 4th interim. The last and final dividend is usually more, but in light of the current macro situation, I'll assume a linear projection of the 4th interim, giving out a total of HKD 5.299864 (3.974898/3 x 4) for the whole year. I bought at HKD 137, thus yielding 3.87%. Based on the same dividend but on today's closing of HKD 115, the yield becomes 4.61%.

If based on last year's dividend of 6.314487, the dividend yield based on my purchase price is 4.61%, while the yield based on today's close is 5.49%. BTW, HSBC paying out dividend today, on 16th Jan, 2008.

Will Dow continue dropping? HSI already dropped 1380 over points today. Fierce selling...haven't seen the likes of it for some time. HSBC i'll put on hold first. It dropped 120 already...might see it coming close to 110 or even 100.

Portfolio bleeding now..

(Why is my chatbox keep getting down? Anymore of this nonsense, I'll change it to a widget kind of chatbox. This cbox is getting on my nerves. And how did noob manage to type while I can't even type anything?! :) haha..strange.. )

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