Saturday, December 22, 2007

STI up 1.21%

STI was up 40 pts to close at 3398 with a volume of 1.5 billion. Haha, was half-expecting that STI would close flat or bad due to HSI, but both surprised me! HSI was up +609 pts, possibly bringing up STI to close 1.21%. I see most of the badly beaten S-shares went up, a good sign :)

With today's strong closing, a lot of charts went from bad to showing signs of reversal. Tmr, 22nd Dec is the Bradley turn date - a date where a strong reversal has a strong possibility of occurring. Looks like it already did :) Anyway, glad that I bought china milk during the downturn. Hope that chinamilk isn't just going to cover gap and then go down again!

Dow looks good at +175 pts now. See how it closes, we might just have a wonderful year end next week :P Went drinking with budddies just now, so haha, a bit tired to blog.

List of things to do:
1. Do FA of fjben (to compare the retail business against popular)
2. Do FA of singpost
3. Do FA of chinamilk
4. Do FA of challenger (to compare the retail business against popular)

I'm quite interested in retail business. Not for investment purposes but to learn about the different earnings and growth qualities of different business. Quite interesting to compare I think :)

Updated portfolio losses now -2k

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