Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Newbie's faq well-recieved :) Thks!

STI closed flat at 3553 with a volume of 1.38 billion. The low turnout today must be attributed to the FED meeting to be held tmr night. Most are staying on the sidelines rather than holding any positions over the next few days.

Market is so quiet, no point watching it. The only worthy announcement that interests me is the release of popular's 1HFY08 report. Interesting to see what they've got after I did an FA on it recently. I'll comment on it in due time.

Seems like my newbie's FAQ is well received :) I think I must have done the right thing to compile and write down some of the more pertinent questions that always lingered in a newbie's mind when they started. I'm very empathetic because it's not so long ago that I was such a lost soul in the world of investing.

I always remember wanting to buy a stock, but not knowing that it must be transacted with a minimum of 1 lot (1000 shares), I told the broker I wanted to buy 200 shares. You can imagine the reaction :) haha! Well, I started wanting to enter the stock market not because I heard stories of people earning big bucks, interesting right? I started because I wanted to know what the hell those people are talking about in the newspaper and the news. I had put it in my 2006 new year's resolution that I would:

1. Open an investing account with DBS vickers

2. Learn how to read stock charts and jargons surrounding stocks and equities

3. Build a mock portfolio and track it to have a trial run

4. Build an actual portfolio

5. Earn at least $1250 per week in order to hit the target of $5000 per month.

Bold and a little innocent, I know :) With the exception of pt 5, I think I need it more than I hoped for. The problem about pt 5 is that it's very short term. If your results are based weekly, chances are you'll be too pressurized and screw up your long term plans. Bad start - but couldn't be any better because I don't have any guidance. My family dun do stocks - my friends dun do stocks.

Well, one whole and 3 quarters year later, here I am :) Since I had such a hard time learning all these myself, I thought someone can have an easier life than me! Hence the motivation to write the newbies faq. Practically, having a faq in my blog also means that next time I dun have to keep writing the same answers again and again (the questions newbies asked is surprisingly similar).

The poll results for the results of the FED meeting:

25 basis pt cut - 13 (39%)
50 basis pt cut - 20 (60%)

A total of 33 people voted, with majority aiming for a 50 basis pt cut. Haha, fun fun, let's see if 60% of the people polled (includes me!) will win :)

Seems like Dow is doing quite well - up 94 pts now.


  1. wats ur email address? lai leh :P

  2. Hi Dec,

    I thought I emailed u? My email address is duckula06@yahoo.com


Take note: Do use a nickname instead of being anonymous. It's really just so that I can address your comments properly. Thanks!