Monday, December 17, 2007

Bought china milk @ 1.04

STI dropped 112 pts (3.25%) to close at 3353 with a volume of 1.39 billion. Woah, all the big caps like SGX, DBS all falling like dominoes. Agri stocks is also whacked hard and fell sharply. Well to be fair, everything fell sharply, most breaking support too.

Today I entered China milk and got my buy queue fulfilled at 1.04 price. Haha, I didn't know that they are the only ones in China to distribute bull semen. ONLY. Talk about monopoly, ahha :) Read somewhere that they are requesting to allow imports of bull - isn't that breaking their monopolistic status? Well, they said it's better for them because they want to import the best bull in US over and by the time their competitors catch up, they will be fall ahead of the race to worry so much. I like that already. Haven't really looked thru their financial statements. I'll do that when I have the time - so many things to do!

Tmr I'm going to Batam for a short trip from 18th to 20th, so I might not be able to post any stuff these few days. Hopefully by the time I come back, the general market condition will be more in tune with the christmas season :P

Got to pack my stuff now :)

(that's my cat staring at you :P Have a great time here!)

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